Thursday, September 28, 2017

Theories & Boundaries in the Family

What exactly are theories and boundaries pertaining to the family?

There are five theories, and three main boundaries. By the time I explain them, you might see some in your own families.

  • Systems Theories are roles people play in the family. As a family, we should work together. If the mother is always putting all her effort into the family, then the family won't be working to its full potential. We can compare this to the parts of a car. Every part/tool plays a part in making the car work. If one piece is missing, then the car will not work. It is important that everyone gives their best efforts. Are you aware of the roles you play in the family?
  • Exchange Theories are getting as much as you can out of a situation. If a relationship consistently costs us more than it rewards us, we are likely to avoid the person or break the relationship. 
  • Conflict Theories are when you use power to get influence. A child could be competing for attention from parents because they may feel that they aren't noticed. 
  • Symbolic Interaction Theories can be non-verbal and verbal. Every action we make is symbolic; it influences how people interact with each other. Sometimes we misunderstand one another because we say one thing, but mean something totally different.
Theories alert you to look for certain things in intimate relationships and to understand them in particular ways.
There are three main boundaries used in the family. 
  • Rigid Boundaries are when we exchange little information or warmth. It could be that a husband and wife aren't very close as they use to be. 
  • Permeable/Clear Boundaries are exchanging information; the boundaries are open. I like comparing this boundary to a picket fence. We notice that there is as much space as there is fence. The pointy tips are to discourage people from "sitting on the fence". It's like saying, "You are welcome to come in, but not always." 
  • Poor Diffuse Boundaries are easily violated. They are open, and can be unclear. When going places, try noticing how families sit together. Do the parents sit by each other? Are the children in the middle, or by each of the parents? 
We need to see the family as a system; work as a team, not a herd of individuals. 


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Does It Really Matter How Many Children I Have?

Below are some insights I have gained from this weeks class, on why how many children you have matters. The picture below is of all my siblings, including me. Although this picture was taken over two years ago, it's the latest one of us all together. I thought you'd like to see a picture of my siblings for the topic I will be talking about.
Social media and other sources in today's world are telling us that having children is "outdated". Why do they say that? Some think that the world will become overpopulated, and there won't be enough food to feed everyone. Yes, having children can be financially difficult, but  I believe that how many children you have does matter! Why do I believe this? The family is central to the Plan of Salvation; the Plan of Happiness, which was created for families. Growing up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I was taught at a young age that the family is important.

Some of the advantages of growing up in a large family include the following from my experiences. I have learned to share with my older siblings, and their children. I've learned to sacrifice, so sometimes I have to go without certain things. I don't always get my way, so I've learned to respect and listen to other peoples views. Because I have a big family, I have many sources of feedback, which is very helpful. Honestly, the more the merrier I think haha!

I feel that knowing when to have children, and how many to have requires much thoughtful prayer with your spouse and Heavenly Father. Had it not been for the quiet whisperings of the spirit, I would not be in the family I am in today. After my parents had their sixth child (my older brother), they knew that they were not done having children. My parents were prayerful when having all their children. I will forever be grateful that my parents listened to the spirit, and choose to bring me into this world to gain a body and experience mortality. Because my parents chose to have me, it is going to affect their posterity in a positive way. Everyone's decisions on having children will affect their future posterity. Know that there are spirits in heaven waiting to be brought down to earth to gain a body.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Classmate Blog URLs

Here are links to my classmates blogs. Check them out!
My Blog

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


My name is Deseret Crandall, yes "in our lovely Deseret", and I am a Freshman at Brigham Young University - Idaho. I am majoring in Family and Consumer Sciences Education, which I am super excited about! I am from Chesterfield, Idaho. I am the youngest of 7, three brothers and three sisters, and have 10 nieces and nephews.

I play the piano, guitar, and uke. I love being outdoors, camping, canoeing, swimming, and hiking. I also enjoy cooking, sewing, and having fun with family.

I love all the seasons of the year, and I especially love the smell of rain!

I am taking Family Relations, which is the purpose for this blog where I will be sharing what I learn in this class, insights, and more. Enjoy! :)